Fact: a proper publisher (book, magazine et al) will NOT charge you to publish your work. It’s the other way round.

Yes, there are a good number of very good mags and e-zines who don’t pay, but you are getting readership, credits to put on your CV etc.
It’s a nice (and rare) thing to be asked to contribute to a magazine. So when I received an email from First Edition magazine earlier asking me to do just that I was chuffed (I thought it may have had something to do with the story I sent them in July – it wasn’t and I’ve since withdrawn it).
And then I read on.
And was not chuffed. I was angry and pretty bloody insulted.
They weren’t asking me to contribute. They were giving me the ‘opportunity’ to have my short story published online as part of their downloadable e-book content.
Customers would pay a nominal fee (based on word count), which sounded okay. 
And then:
And all I’d have to do is send them the work. They’d edit it, convert it into their electronic format and pay for distribution (what distribution???) etc
Cost. Me.
As I said, proper publishers do not charge writers to publish their work.
So what’s going on here? I thought First Edition was a great idea. A print mag for new writers. Sold on the High Street as far as I remember.
I’ve just checked their guidelines.
They don’t pay contributors (aside from a non-specific cash prize to the best in a category).
The do sell advertising space.
And now they’re charging to people to publish something which, as far as I can understand, doesn’t have to pass any sort of editorial scrutiny.
Where’s the money going, First Edition? And why the sudden change?
I’m going to email a copy of this to First Edition and offer them the opportunity to explain themselves. I hope they’ve made a very silly mistake because if they’ve not, it’s a pretty cynical exercise in exploiting the new writers they originally claimed to be supporting.